卐 One Spirit Collective:
My studio where i do business.
卐 Swan [Swandala]:
The love of my life, Swan: nature inspired dotwork tattooist.
卐 Myoshka:
Geometric legend and genius.
卐 Tomas Tomas:
Geometric legendary tatooist.
卐 Little Swastika:
Swastika fighter and massive tattooist.
卐 Brian Skellie:
My personal hero and living-piercing-knowledge database.
卐 One Spirit Collective:
My studio where i do business.
卐 Swan [Swandala]:
The love of my life, Swan: nature inspired dotwork tattooist.
卐 Myoshka:
Geometric legend and genius.
卐 Tomas Tomas:
Geometric legendary tatooist.
卐 Little Swastika:
Swastika fighter and massive tattooist.
卐 Brian Skellie:
My personal hero and living-piercing-knowledge database.
Swastika support:
卐 Swastika Blog: Kor's blog, for your daily dose of swastika's.
卐 Pro-swastika: The Pro-Swastika website.
卐 Swastika Wikipedia: A lot of information about the swastika.
卐 Swastika Blog: Kor's blog, for your daily dose of swastika's.
卐 Pro-swastika: The Pro-Swastika website.
卐 Swastika Wikipedia: A lot of information about the swastika.